Informed Consent

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Here’s An Approach To Ensure The Legal Requirements For Informed Consent Are Honored.

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Watch This Video Featuring Pam Popper Founder Of, Tom Renz   Attorney For The People, Lisa Parker Union Labor Consultant & Reinette Senum Future California Gubernatorial Candidate Discussing This Exact Topic.

No American Should Be Forced To Participate In An Ongoing Experiment Or Be Threatened With Job Loss. This Isn’t Right. It Isn’t Fair. It Isn’t American.

No One Can Tell You What To Do With Your Body. As Of June 19, 1865, No Employer May Own Or Exercise Their Will Over Your Body Without Your Consent. The Strategy Below Has Worked For Many People, But May Not Work For All. You Have Rights Under Informed Consent Laws And This Strategy Is Intended For Educational Purposes To Help You Utilize Yours.


  1. Organize Fellow Employees Who Wish To Decline The Experimental Vaccine. A Sizeable Minority Can Shut Down A Company. Be Prepared To Strike & Protest If Necessary. Include Employees Who Have Gotten A Shot, But Have Regrets Or Feel Everyone Should Have The Right To Choose. Do Not Decline The Shot, Simply Ask For Informed Consent To Be Fulfilled So You Can Decide What Is Best For You.
  • Do Not Quit Under Any Circumstances, Instead Elongate The Process & Document Every Communication With Your Employer Via Email. Do Not Attempt To Communicate Verbally As That Would Have No Substance Should You Need To Go To Court.
  • Exercise Your Rights To Be Properly Informed Before You Consider Granting Your Consent. Your Employer Is Obligated To Satisfy The Legal Requirements For Informed Consent By Answering Any Questions Employees Have. (SEE BELOW FOR A LIST OF POTENTIAL QUESTIONS) Any Employer Who Attempts To Mandate Is Responsible For Satisfying The Requirements For Informed Consent As An Arbiter Of The Mandate. If You Are A Member Of A Union, Mandates Constitute A Change To The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) That Establishes The Professional Relationship Between Employer And

Union Labor. Any Changes To The CBA Without The Consent Of The Union Is A Violation Of Contract Law.

  • bin/retrieveECFR?gp=&SID=83cd09e1c0f5c6937cd9d7513160fc3f&pitd=2018071 9&n=pt45.1.46&r=PART&ty=HTML#se45.1.46_1116
    • bin/retrieveECFR?gp=&SID=83cd09e1c0f5c6937cd9d7513160fc3f&pitd=2018071 9&n=pt45.1.46&r=PART&ty=HTML#se45.1.46_1117
  • Note That All Experimental Vaccines Are Still In Clinical Trial So These Are Experimental Products By Legal Definition. Whether You Are Enrolled In The Clinical Trial Or Not Is Immaterial, The Product Is Experimental Until All Clinical Trials Are Completed, Analyzed & Published.

Pfizer-BioNTech clinical trial is currently scheduled to end May 2, 2023.

Moderna-NIH clinical trial is currently scheduled to end October 27, 2022.

Johnson & Johnson clinical trial is currently scheduled to end January 2, 2023.

  • Note That FDA Approved A Future Pfizer Product (Comirnaty) That Currently Is Unavailable. As Such, What Is Available Is Still Only Approved Under EUA.
    • Note That Under 21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3, Mandating The Use Of Experimental Products Is Prohibited.

  • National Labor Relations Board – Duty Of Employer faith-with-employees-union-representative
  • When Your Employer Is Unable To Answer Each Of The Questions Below, Then Informed Consent Has Not Been Satisfied Under The Law And Your Right To Refuse Is Valid.
  • At That Point You Can Now File A Personal Belief (PBE)/Religious Exemption That States You Are Declining The Experimental Vaccine Because The Employer Was Unable To

Prove It’s Safety & Efficacy By Satisfying Their Legal Requirement To Fulfill Informed Consent. As A Result, You Can State That You Are Now Following The Guidelines Of The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Which States That Employers Are Required To Honor Personal Belief/Religious Exemptions. Inform Your Employer As You Submit Your Personal Belief/Religious Exemption That Any Attempt To Terminate You Will Be Viewed As A Wrongful Termination Based Upon Illegal Personal Belief & Religious Discriminatory Practices And You Will Defend Yourself In Court To The Fullest Extent Of The Law. You Are Not Required To Reveal Your Faith Or Have A Member Of Your Congregation Confirm Your Faith. That Is Protected Under Your Bill Of Rights. NEVER USE YOUR EMPLOYERS FORMS OR PAPERWORK REGARDING EXEMPTIONS!!!!


  • You are required to disclose any and all potential conflicts of interest (COI) including public and personal investments in the pharmaceutical companies manufacturing COVID vaccines, as well as COIs via private contracts with the local, state, and federal government. Can you please provide the full list of any financial conflicts of interest? Have you received any money from the federal or state government to promote COVID vaccinations? Have you received any money from pharmaceutical companies or subsidiaries to promote COVID vaccinations? Do you receive any money from local, state, or federal governments, agencies or pharmaceutical companies that incentivize the administration of COVID vaccinations?
  • I have a right to medical privacy. If I elect to get the shot will my right to keep my vaccination status private be honored?
  • Who is liable if I get injured or am unable to work? How long will it take me to receive injury compensation, so my family isn’t left out in the cold?
  • Will my consent to get the shot terminate my life insurance policy or any benefits I may be entitle to during my years of service to this company or government entity, if I’m injured or killed by these vaccines still in clinical trial?
  • Can you please provide the full breakdown of post-inoculation death and injury reports in the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and any other surveillance systems? How many people have died? How many people have been permanently disabled? How many people have experienced life-threatening events? How many people have been hospitalized? How many people have needed urgent or emergent care? How many babies have been miscarried?
  • What is the potential gain of benefit vs risk of injury in my age demographic if I get the shot? What are the specific benefits if I get the shot? What are the specific risks? Is there a risk of death or permanent disability if I get the shot?
  • If I’m injured, how do I ensure a healthcare professional reports my injury to VAERS?
  • What long-term data (36+ months) is available on how many people have developed autoimmunity, infertility or similar debilitating conditions after getting the shot?
  • Which federal laws prevent me from suing vaccine manufacturers in civil court?
  • What are all of the ingredients in the shot? Which of them are carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic? Which of them have been classified as toxins, poisons, or dangerous for human consumption by the US EPA and/or International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)?
  • Will this shot protect me against all variants?
  • Can I still get COVID and transmit the infection even if I’m fully vaccinated?
  • What is antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)? How will I know if I am experiencing it? Is ADE something that can happen to me if I get the shot?
  • I’ve already recovered, and the scientific literature shows that I have ‘long-term, robust and durable’ immunity against SARS-CoV-2 virus. Why am I required to be vaccinated against something I already have immunity against? Am I eligible to prove my immunity using EUA approved antibody and/or T-cell tests?
  • There are many peer-reviewed scientific papers supporting the use of Monoclonal Antibodies, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, C, A, Zinc and Hydroxychloroquine. What treatment options exist should I elect to use my civil right to refuse this inoculation?


Understand That Each Question Above Establishes A Different Means of Protecting Your Civil Liberties. There Are No Guarantees, But We Have Seen This Approach Work.

Question 1 – Establishes That Financial Conflicts of Interest Must Be Disclosed. Something That Hasn’t Happened During This Crisis.

Question 2 – Establishes That Your Right to Medical Privacy Is Protected Under HIIPA Laws.

Question 3 – Establishes Whether or Not Your Employer Knows They Are Liable for Injury. And

If They Aren’t Liable Then They Must Inform You of Who Is.

Question 4 – Establishes That Loss of Benefits Have Occurred and That You Don’t Want Them Happening to You.

Question 5 – Establishes That Safety Is Far from Certain. And Where There Is Risk There Must Be Freedom Of Choice.

Question 6 – Establishes That Death & Permanent Disability Are Possible Which Further Corroborates Your Right To Refuse.

Question 7 – Establishes That Healthcare Providers Have Been In Dereliction Of Duty By Underreporting Post-Inoculation Injuries In Violation Of EUA Law.

Question 8 – Establishes That Long-Term Safety Data Does Not Exist Because The Clinical Trials Are Ongoing Until October 2022 At The Earliest.

Question 9 – Establishes That Your Employer Understands There Is Limited Legal Recourse For You At Best Should You Be Injured Or Killed By The Experimental Vaccine.

Question 10 – Establishes That The Ingredients Are Not Readily Available And That The FDA Has Yet To Update The Vaccine Media And Excipient Summary Despite Supposed Approval.

Question 11 – Establishes Vaccine Breakthrough (aka Vaccine Failure) Is Real And More Common Than Government Officials And Main Stream Media Outlets Are Admitting.

Question 12 – Establishes That The Experimental Vaccine Does Not Prevent The Inoculated From Contracting And Spreading The Infection In The Workplace.

Question 13 – Establishes That If You Have Recovered From A Previous Infection You May Be At Greater Risk Of Post-Inoculation Injury (Adverse Events).

Question 14 – Establishes That The Experimental Vaccine Is All Risk, No Benefit For People Who Have Recovered And That If This Was About Public Health, People With Confirmed Immunity Would Be Ineligible To Be Vaccinated With These Experimental Products.

Question 15 – Establishes That Treatments Exists And That The Existence Of Treatments As Acknowledged By The FDA, CDC & State Health Departments, Negates The Medical Necessity For Mandating Experimental Products Proven To Injure And Be Unable To Prevent Infection. Treatments Are Proof Of Options. With Options Available Employees Have The Right To Access Those Options Under The Basic Rules That Create Non-Discriminatory, Ethical, Equitable, Safe Workplace Environments.

The Site cannot and does not contain legal advice. The legal information is porvided for general information and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for legal advice.

Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate legal professionals or licensed attorneys, we do not provide any kind of legal advice. The use or reliance of any information contained on this site [or mobile application] is solely at your own risk.


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