NYS Unelected Governor Appeals Quarantine Camp State Supreme Court Ruling

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New York state supreme court struck down Gov. Kathy Hochul’s unconstitutional regulation allowing public health officers to “isolate and detain” citizens without due process. Listen to attorney Gina Antonelli explain the impending appeal and the importance of electing constitutional sheriffs such as Jim Scarchilli for Oneida County.



The citizens’ group, Uniting NYS, teamed up with a group of NYS Legislators, and together they sued New York Governor Kathy Hochul, DOH Commissioner Bassett, the Department of Health, and the Public Health & Health Planning Council over their illegal forced “Isolation and Quarantine” regulation!
Uniting NYS is proud to be standing together with Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Mike Lawler, and Assemblyman Chris Tague in their pursuit of justice. These legislators are true leaders.

A brilliant Amicus Brief was filed by Assemblymen Andy Goodell, Joe Giglio, and Minority Leader Will Barclay in support of this historic lawsuit against the Governor.

The Regulation that was challenged:
10 NYCRR 2.13 “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures”

Allows the DOH to pick and choose who they want to force to isolate or quarantine, without proof that the person poses a health threat, for however long the DOH wishes to force the quarantine, and at a location that the DOH deems appropriate (which can include a quarantine “facility” or detention center).
They do not need to prove that you are actually sick. They can just suspect that you MIGHT be harboring a communicable disease.
There is no age restriction, so they can force you, or your child, or your elderly parent/grandparent into isolation or quarantine, for however long they want!
It is the antithesis of what our country stands for, so this must be stopped!

You can read the full text of the regulation here: https://regs.health.ny.gov/volume-title-10/content/section-213-isolation-and-quarantine-procedures

Get details about the lawsuit and case status at: www.UnitingNYS.com/lawsuit

Get involved with the lawsuit and/or sign up for weekly updates at: www.UnitingNYS.com

Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox is doing this lawsuit PRO BONO, which means she is not getting paid. Her co-counsel Attorney Tom Marcelle is also donating his time gratuitously. PLEASE support the lawsuit legal fund at: https://give.cornerstone.cc/coxlawyers

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